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Curriculum vitae of Gustav Georg Belz
Gustav G. Belz, MD, PhD, FACC, Professor of Medicine,
was born in 1940 in Wiesbaden-Biebrich, Germany. He studied medicine
at the Universities of Mainz and Frankfurt and earned his degree as
doctor of medicine (Dr. med.) in 1968 from the Johannes Gutenberg-University,
Mainz. He was Resident and Senior Resident at the Departments of Internal
Medicine / Cardiology for the district and in the University Hospitals
at Eppstein/Ts, Bad Soden/Ts, Frankfurt, Mainz, Ulm, Koblenz and at
the Department of Pharmacology at Ulm. Venia legendi (Ph.D.) 1974 in
Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology at University of Ulm. Became
a board certified specialist in Internal Medicine / Cardiology in 1975,
and in Clinical Pharmacology in 1980. Current affiliations: since 1976-2005
teaching Professor at the University of Mainz; Director at the Zentrum
Kardiovaskuläre Pharmakologie, ZeKaPha GmbH, Mainz-Wiesbaden,
and private clinics for general internal medicine and cardiology at
Wiesbaden since 1977. Elected Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
in 1983.
Main research fields: Clinical pharmacology general, pharmacodynamics of cardiovascular drugs, drug-drug interactions, radioreceptor assays, relations between pharmacodynamics and -kinetics, hypertension, non-invasive methodology for cardiovascular research and arteriosclerosis.
One of his most significant contributions to clinical pharmacology was the extension of principles of basic pharmacology to clinical pharmacology. Examples are dose effect relationship and Schild regression analysis, i.e. the evaluation of the dose effect relationship of agonists in the presence of varying doses of antagonists. This fundamental method was successfully applied in human studies on ß-blockers, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin-II antagonists. Besides research done on conventional drugs, he also evaluated several phyto-drugs. Among these, and with possibly relevance in preventive cardiology, are studies providing strong evidence of an antiarteriosclerotic effect of garlic powder intake in man, published as an original paper in Circulation.
Belz published more than 300 original papers, reviews, abstracts, and letters to editors in international journals as: Clinical Pharmacology & Therapy, British and European Journals of Clinical Pharmacology, Lancet, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, British Heart Journal, Circulation, Journal of Hypertension, Blood Pressure. In 1971 he published the first report in the world literature on the blood pressure lowering effect of a calcium-channel blocker (D 600 methoxy-verapamil=gallopamil) after oral administration in hypertensive patients in 1971. Under his supervision and tutorship, more than fifty medical doctor inauguration theses have successfully been completed at the Universities of Ulm and Mainz. His scientific work has been awarded repeatedly: Dr. Willmar Schwabe Preis, 1974; Ludwig Heilmeyer Medaille in Silber, 1975; Albert Knoll Preis, 1976; Preis der Deutschen Therapiewoche, 1987. He was awarded twice with the prize considered the top award in the field of clinical pharmacology in Europe: the Paul Martini Preis in 1982 and in 1985.
G.G. Belz acted as a member of Editorial Boards and as a referee for Journals including: Journal of Cardiovascascular Pharmacology (for longer than a decade), Blood Pressure, (American) Journal of Noninvasive Cardiology, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Hypertension, Journal of Hypertension, Journal of the American College of Cardiology and others. He had been the President of the Annual Conference of the German Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 1993 in Bad Nauheim and had been member of the former commission B1 of the BGA for more than 10 years, and has been Officier of the Section Clinical Pharmacology of the DGPT and as Officier of the German Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. Belz in 1989 was among the founders and was the first chairman (until 1995) of the "Berufsverband der Ärzte für Klinische Pharmakologie" (BäKliPha). 1995-2000 acting as Officer of the BäKliPha.
Rotary: G.G. Belz is member of the Rotary Club Wiesbaden since 1989. He was Club President 1995-96. In 2005-06 he acted as Governor of the Rotary District 1820.